Thursday, 7 September 2017

PEX Re-pipe Services in Long Beach to Replace Your Old Pipelines

Water supply in the households and buildings run through pipelines. Most of the older homes have galvanized pipes made of iron and coated with zinc. These pipes get rusty after a period of time that decreases water supply pressure and pollute the water system with gunk and slime. It is a sign of great health hazard as clean water is utmost necessary for different purposes in the house. Now, modern pipelines are being built in PEX that is cross-linked high density polyethylene (HDPE) and is much superior to the old rigid plastic pipes made of PVC, CPVC or ABS. Old pipelines can be re-piped with PEX pipes without using solder, glue or adhesives. They have wonderful thermal expansion properties and can withstand extremely high and low temperatures. During winters, they would not burst down due to their freeze-damage protection feature. Another way to re-pipe old pipelines is through copper pipes. This is because copper has remarkable anti-rusting properties, is durable and does not require much maintenance regularly.

If you need PEX re-pipe services in Long Beach, you need to contact a plumbing company operating in the area. Many of them are reachable through their websites that also provide copper re-pipe in Downey.

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